Karl Dunér | Sophögen | The Heap 20 February - 29 March 2025Didyme to Apollonios, brother and sun, greetings. You should know that I do not see the sun because I cannot see you, for I have no other sun but you.... -
Siiri Jüris | to melt into your soil and sprout as a flower
Tütar Galerii21.03. –04.05.2025 Siiri Jüris’ exhibition “to melt into your soil and sprout as a flower” focuses on coexistence in both the content and medium of her works. Can painting, which... -
Karl Dunér | Om det absurda drama som också är livet
Moderna Museet Malmö 26 October 2024 - 23 February 2025“On the Absurd Drama That Is Also Life” is a group exhibition that invites the viewer to approach the absurd, farcical and theatrical with an open mind. Here we meet... -
Tove Kjellmark | The horse, the Robot & the Immeasurable
Seinäjoki Art Hall, 07.09.2024 – 04.01.2025Tove Kjellmark's solo exhibition The H orse, the Robot & the Immeasurable presents sculptures, videos and drawings. The exhibition is on display from 7 September 2024 to 4 January 2025... -
Anna Bergman Jurell | Rokokomani
Drottningholms Slottsteater, 31.08 – 29.09.2024Anna Kjellsdotter, Anna Bergman Jurell, and Sara Lundström draw inspiration from the Drottningholm Theatre in an art installation featuring eleven fictional environments. The exhibition is a convergence of three crafts—tailoring,... -
Siiri Jüris in group show at ARS Project Space, Tallinn
April 26 – May 18, 2024Allow Yourself to Change Painting at the Time of Artificial Intelligence ARS Project Space 26.04–18.05.2024 The essence of painting has always revolved around its humanity, with its unique flaws and... -
Ping och Skallarna – Orionteatern
22, 23 april and 29, 30 april 2024Karl Dunérs gränsöverskridande allkonstverk blandar dockteater med ljudskulptur och livemusik, i en föreställning som bygger på texter av Samuel Beckett. Måndag, 22 april, kl 19:00 Tisdag, 23 april, kl 19:00... -
Tove Kjellmark at Borås Konstmuseum
When I Crack I Expand | 9 december 2023–21 april 2024Med When I Crack I Expand presenteras en omfattande separatutställning med Tove Kjellmarks konstnärskap. Utställningen fokuserar särskilt på hennes karakteristiska fragmenterade estetik och vad den konceptuellt undersöker. Verken har starka... -
MARTINA HOOGLAND IVANOW | With Eyes Sensitive for Green
Dorothée Nilsson Gallery in Berlin. January 20 – March 2, 2024Our relationship with nature has become political and intertwined with identity politics in many ways, where an interest or commitment to nature can be seen as an ideological stance. Hoogland... -
Karl Dunér at Dramaten
Direction and set design by Karl Dunér. October 19, 2023 – February 21, 2024 January 1, 2024Oktober 19, 2023, was the premier of Perserna och Trojanskorna at Dramaten in Stockholm. Direction and set design by Karl Dunér. The set design is inspired by Dunér's latest exhibition... -
Karin Lind & Simon Häggblom / Another Occupation
SIMKA at Kalashnikovv Gallery | January 20, 2024Karin Lind & Simon Häggblom / SIMKA will be presenting their work created during their current residency at Kalashnikovv Gallery, a contemporary fine art gallery and project space dedicated to...