Martina Hoogland Ivanow Swedish, b. 1973
Music: Matti Bye
Sound mix: Anton Ahlberg/ Redpipe
Support: The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Filmbasen + FLIR Systems
Production: BRF, Photographer: Adam Nilsson, Martina H. Ivanow
Editor: Margareta Lagerqvist, Assistant editor: Eric Bäckström
The film "Interbeing" is based on a non-linear documentation of social structures and their different approaches to trust and fear. The material is presented through a thermal camera whose optics do not register what is visible to the eye but render shades of temperature. A perspective granting all living beings the same conditions of representation. Through elements of repetition and by the use of an almost constant sound of one note against a returning image of an eye or a black sun, the film travel from one element to another. The camera makes use of a heat shadow visible upon and after physical touch, the heat remains, like traces of utmost commonality in attempts at making direct contact, as well as in public, everyday chance encounters.
Price upon request.